The tenth edition of the Kino Guarimba international training program took place in Amantea (CS) from September 10th-22nd, 2024.

48 participants from all over the world created a community of artists who, in 12 days, produced 35 short films. The works were conceived, shot, and edited in the small Calabrian town, actively involving the locals and generating a significant impact on the local community.

Following the June edition, we organized another event which promotes collaboration, training, and personal and collective growth. This event represents a positive example of local promotion, innovative film education, and community development.

Thanks to the support of the ZMINA Human Rights Center, for the third year in a row, we dedicated this residency to the Ukrainian people, offering ten scholarships for the victims of the Russian invasion and raising awareness of the situation in Ukraine. ZMINA: Rebuilding is a project co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe program as part of a call dedicated to supporting displaced Ukrainians and the Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors. The project is a cooperation between Izolyatsia (UA), Trans Europe Halles (SE) and Malý Berlín (SK).

This year, in conjunction with the Kino Guarimba film residency, La Guarimba Music Camp was born – a musical training project featuring 5 Ukrainian musicians, who arrived in Amantea thanks to the support of Culture Moves Europe, a funding program directed by Creative Europe. The participants of the two residencies were able to collaborate, bring together cinema and music, and mix different forms of art, cultures and ideas.


This edition of Kino Guarimba was also characterized by the creation of a multicultural community in terms of experiences, profiles and personalities.

50 artists from 18 to 62 years old, including actors, directors, technicians, and professionals from the world of cinema representing 25 different countries, gathered in Calabria to participate in a film workshop and make short films, collaborating with each other and with the community of Amantea.

The countries represented are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, England, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Tanzania, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

 17% of the participants were in Italy for their first time, while 80%  were in Calabria for the first time.

This multiculturalism is also manifested through the organizational team, made up of Calabrian, Venezuelan, Spanish, and Belgian professionals.


This edition of Kino Guarimba was the result of a journey that began in 2018. Our process has evolved over the years, having grown with the experience of the organizing team. Our team has structured a program aimed at creating the ideal space to achieve the objectives of the residency. These objectives do not concern the creation of masterpieces, but rather cultivate a communal living experience where participants can grow, learn, experience new cultures, and expand a network of professional colleagues.

With each edition, Kino Guarimba grows and evolves, continuing the path started in 2018 and developing an increasingly distinct program, capable of creating the ideal environment for achieving the residency’s objectives.

To this end, the residency offers a series of activities that guide participants through the training program. With the goal of fostering personal connection, idea generation, and forming working groups, the first four days are dedicated to socialization and training activities. During this time, participants are invited to discover our culture and our territory through guided tours and regional meals.

The second part of the program is dedicated to the production of short films. Working groups form independently, organizing structures and production schedules. On the evening of September 21st, the produced short films screened at the Terrenito in a free event open to the entire local community.

On September 10th, 50 creatives from all over the world arrived at the Kino Guarimba offices to collect their welcome bag and were accompanied to their apartments scattered around the city, where they stayed for 12 days.

The residency kicked-off with the first social event, a Calabrian dinner at the Terrenito, made by the Amantean chef Giancarlo Suriano. During the evening, the weather was not on our side, as a strong storm passed through Amantea, halting our original plans. This did not discourage us. Thanks to the help of tents and the participants’ strong desire to socialize, we tasted a fantastic dish of pasta, in spite of the endless rain. Chef Giancarlo delighted us with his cuisine, preparing dishes for more than 60 people and introducing participants to Calabrian flavors and colors.

The training activities began on June 11th at Lido Azzurro, a historical partner of La Guarimba which has hosted our projects for years. Here, breakfast was offered to the participants, and we presented an overview of the project, including rules, objectives, and introductions of the team members.

We then carried out a Speed Dating exercise, allowing the participants to formally meet one another. The artists took turns in short one-minute conversations. Despite the frenzy, this method allowed everyone to meet each individual participant, take note of potential connections, and prepare to learn more later.

The morning ended with a lunch at Cantina Amarcord, another fundamental partner for the association, where guests tasted typical local products accompanied by Calabrian wine.

In the afternoon, we met at the Terrenito to start a guided tour of Amantea. From the modern center to the ruins of the castle, we explored the town. Crossing the historic center to retrace the long history of Amante, the participants observed the landmarks and the transformation of the landscape. During the tour, we told stories and anecdotes that highlight the intangible heritage of our community and showed the places that have hosted La Guarimba over the years. This journey was also an opportunity for participants to discover potential locations for their films and draw inspiration from the landscape and people. The tour ended at the Bar Sicoli, where we enjoyed the famous pistachio gelato and other typical local products.

The third day was dedicated to training with four workshops focused on film production. At Lido Azzurro, we started with the masterclass “How to Organize a Kino Production” held by Oscar Peña González, a Spanish director of photography. Oscar illustrated how to organize a short film production following the philosophy of guerrilla cinema, offering practical advice on managing actors, locations, and production plans, with a particular focus on Amantea.

Subsequently, Francisco Rousset Osio, a Venezuelan sound engineer, conducted the “Live Sound Recording” masterclass, explaining the use of the available equipment and the process of recording ambient sounds, dialogue, and noises necessary for the soundtrack of a film. He also covered the planning of the shoot to achieve high audio quality and the use of the boom microphone. Both of these first masterclasses involved all 55 artists of the residency, including the Ukrainian musicians of the Music Camp.

Among the training sessions, the Local Casting of Amantea was held, an important opportunity to meet the surrounding community. The aspiring Amantean actors introduced themselves to the directors, contributed to the films produced during the residency, and created connections with international artists. This year, 25 people participated, aged between 3 and 70, some of whom were returning from previous editions.

In the afternoon, at la Piccola Biblioteca di Amantea’s conference room, Fortunato Valente, director and editor from Calabria, led the masterclass “Basics of Editing“, illustrating the use of DaVinci Resolve software and showing how to edit clips in a complete audiovisual product, work on timelines, and apply transitions and shortcuts to improve the narration.

The last workshop, “Post Production Of Sound“, curated by Rousset Osio, saw the participation of 35 people delving into audio post-production, mixing techniques and track management – combining theory and practice with concrete examples.

The activities of the residency ended on June 13th, with a breakfast offered to the participants in the Piccola Biblioteca di Amantea. This introduced them to the space they were able to use in the following days to meet, write, produce, edit, etc.

The morning continued with the talk “Rebuilding the Ukrainian Cultural Sector“. Our partners at AmaTea were responsible for organizing internal presentations and discussions during the residency, where all 50 participants took part in informal meetings.

Keynote speaker, Olena Rosstalna, along with Elena Taskalina from Kherson Film School, explained the process of working in a cultural organization during the war and how to build networks to rebuild the cultural sector in their country. During this event, we presented the results of the process, focusing on the possibilities we have to support the rebuilding of Ukraine, and discussing the opportunities for collaboration.

The activities in the library ended with the Pitching session, an event that allowed the directors to present their ideas for the short films and to find collaborators. Each participant had two minutes to present the synopsis of their project, the genre, the roles required, and the expected duration of the shoot. 48 projects were submitted.

On September 14th, the National Ukrainian Film Day, we organized an event titled Ukrainian Shorts for Resistance, during which Ukrainian residency participants presented a selection of their works. The short films dealt with themes of fear and disorientation during the war, as well as the desire to find joy and connection with loved ones. It was informative to observe daily glimpses of the current situation in Ukraine through the eyes of courageous and sensitive filmmakers, who told unusual, touching, intense, and surprisingly comedic stories.

We learned the story of a young couple expecting a child who were separated by the war. Rosstalna presented her documentary retracing the journey of destruction and reconstruction of her hometown of Chernihiv, which she also screened at the Venice Architecture Biennale. The autobiographical documentary of a film student tells the story of her life turned upside down by the beginning of the invasion. This documentary begins casually the day before the first attack in Ukraine and unfolds in an intimate and delicate story about life in wartime, which has affected everyone.

The event was attended by 20 people including filmmakers in the residency and team members. After the screenings, we collected impressions of the films through interviews and edited a small promotional video of the event. All those interviewed said they were sincerely impressed by the works projected and showed a genuine interest.

The screening, combined with the conference on the Ukrainian cultural sector, was incredibly useful to learn about the situation in Ukraine and the challenges that artists face on a daily basis. Thanks to the viewing of these films, we have not only been able to support the circulation of Ukrainian talent, but we have also deepened the importance of continuing to produce works that enrich the country’s artistic and cultural heritage. The production of art is essential to counter the erasure of national identity operated by the Russian invasion, which works towards the destruction of culture and the values it conveys.


The participants independently formed the working teams, and the filming phase commenced. Amantea was transformed into a large outdoor set, where for a week the crews explored the city to shoot scenes for their films. As per tradition, the beach and the hills of the historic center were among the most popular locations. Some directors have been more daring, shooting in little-explored but evocative places such as the Amantea Cemetery. The interior scenes were shot in apartments, bars, and coastal shops. For the assembly phase, we were able to make the newly opened space of the Piccola Biblioteca di Amantea available, thus offering a welcoming place equipped with all the necessary comforts. Others were inspired by the sea and formed independent editing teams at Lido Azzurro.

The projects were delivered on the morning of September 21st. In the afternoon, a masterclass on distribution was held, curated by the artistic director of La Guarimba Film Festival Giulio Vita, who illustrated the possible ways to showcase the participants’ work and how to strategically invest in their short films through festivals and platforms. Concurrently, our offices hosted the tattoo artist Phasta Kan, who created a lasting memory of this fantastic experience on the skin of the participants and the team.


On September 21st, 2024, the Terrenito opened its doors to the public to screen the films made by the participants during their experience. The evening began with the concert of the five participants of La Guarimba Music Camp, creating a magical combination of cinema and music. In addition to presenting their songs made in two weeks entirely in Amantea, the Ukrainian musicians collaborated together with the Kino participants, producing some soundtracks for their short films and helping them with the sound during production.

It was an evening of reflection, a moment to reunite with our audience and present the fruits of the work developed during the year. Filmmakers and musicians from different parts of the world shared the space with the inhabitants of Amantea and Calabria who wanted to rediscover their land from a new perspective.

We screened 35 short films for a total of 171 minutes. For 31% of the participants, it was their first experience as a director. 63% of them had local actors as protagonists of their short films, while 96% collaborated, asked for advice, listened to stories, and used places belonging to the Amantean community.

It is always exciting to see how international artists capture facets of our community, revealing overlooked attributes of Amantea from different lenses. Genres ranged from comedy to documentary, horror to fantasy stories, visual poems, and family dramas – all starring Amantea.

The evening welcomed over 200 people including participants and locals, and was a moment of great social importance.  This was the ideal conclusion of the residency and allowed the community to meet collectively thanks to the magic of cinema and love for their land.


Kino Guarimba aims to create a positive impact on multiple fronts: for the international artists and for the local community of Amantea, which becomes an active part of filming and for the economy of the territory. To understand the effect of this initiative in the context of a small Calabrian town, we implement an observational system consisting of questionnaires, qualitative interviews and data collection.


The training approach of Kino Guarimba is based on non-formal pedagogies such as Cooperative learning and Montessori principles. These methods promote sharing, independence, and creative problem-solving. During the residency, we created spaces where participants could address challenges related to cultural differences, language, and cognitive barriers, as well as time and resource management. From the organization of schedules to managing sets, participants had to collaborate and manage autonomously. The masterclasses offered intensive training in the basics of production and film, with a focus on technical roles such as recording of live sound. The tutors of the residency followed the participants, allowing them to learn by doing, experimenting, and making mistakes.

Our organization has limited its role to coordination and logistics, leaving the participants full autonomy in the realization of their films. The Kino method, which promotes the non-competitive development of multiple projects, has fostered collaboration between the various teams. The emphasis is on the creative process, reducing anxiety related to the final result and stimulating teamwork.


Amantea, for 12 days, is transformed into a large film set, involving the local community in an active and inclusive way. The residency is not isolated from the community that hosts it, but encourages participants to explore the local reality, creating meaningful relationships with the inhabitants. This process has a profound impact on the social and cultural capital of Amantea, strengthening the sense of belonging and the link with the local cultural heritage. The inhabitants see their city and the stories represented on the screen, helping to enhance their cultural identity. The growing audience during screenings and the expanding participation at the castings show how the Amantean community is progressively understanding the importance of the project. Every year, the local participants return with greater awareness and involvement, performing different roles and improving their skills.


Kino Guarimba promotes sustainable tourism in Amantea, bringing fifty film professionals in September, a month otherwise devoid of tourists and community-oriented recreation. The project, which promotes Amantea as a center for audiovisual production, stimulates the local economy through the consumption of local products, meals, souvenirs, and services.

The initiative actively involves the local community with guided tours and meetings, creating a dialogue between international visitors and the population of Amantea. This approach generates a concrete economic impact: in addition to the tourism promotion, each film made includes at least one outdoor scene, showcasing the local landscape and allowing the beauty of the area to travel in international circuits.

From the data collected, each participant spent an average of 250 euros each on food, drinks, and other purchases. As an association, we have invested over 43,000 euros into the territory, including rentals, meals, local collaborations, and other services, creating a significant impact on the economy of Amantea.


password: kino2024


Artistic Director


Production Coordinator

Production Assistant

Residency Tutor

Sound Technician and Tutor

Videomaker and editing tutor




